Keep Your Dental Bridge Clean

Like any other dental device, bridges need to be properly cleaned and maintained to ensure their appearance and functionality will last. However, cleaning them through flossing can be difficult due to the very nature of the device itself.

On this page, our staff will provide you with a few pointers on how to properly floss your fixed bridge.


Three Easy Bridge Flossing Techniques

The design of a fixed bridge does not usually facilitate the access of regular floss. A special type of floss and technique is needed to clean these areas. Here are three flossing methods that are effective for bridge cleaning:

  • 1 Use a floss threader or a string of super floss to draw floss between the anchor tooth and the false tooth.
  • 2 Wrap the floss around the anchor tooth in a "U" shape. Gently slide it up and down five or six times, being sure you go beneath the gum collar on each anchor tooth.
  • 3 Slide the floss under the false tooth and move it back and forth several times.

Remember: Regular Flossing = A Great Smile

The same dental policy stands for fixed bridges. Without regular flossing, your investment in your beautiful smile will degrade quickly. Flossing is tricky at first for a fixed bridge, but can be mastered very quickly when done with regularity.

Get Flossing Tips for Teens With Braces or Other Dental Devices

It's easy for teens to get lazy when it comes to flossing, especially when braces are involved. Our family dental office can show your teen how to floss, plus with regular check-ups, we can let your teen know if they are doing it well.


Talk to Our Team

If you are still unsure how to properly floss, feel free to stop by our dental office. We'll have you and your family on the road to better dental health in no time.